Friday, December 27, 2019
Heroes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Joseph...
Heroes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Joseph Campbell Many would agree that although there are many stories about heroes, they all seem similar in some way. Joseph Campbell wrote many books about this theory of a hero cycle that every hero story follows. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, this pattern is clearly exemplified and it shows the numerous steps in Joseph Campbells idea of the hero cycle. The first step in Campbells hero cycle is the call. This is when the hero of the story is drawn into some type of journey, challenge, or adventure. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, this step occurs after the Green Knight enters the castle and requests a challenge, and no one but King Arthur will accept it. Then, Sirâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The Green Knight agrees if Gawain will come to wherever he thinks the Green Knight will be. Of course, Gawain has no clue where he would find him, so the Green Knight says that he will tell him if Gawain can hit him square on the neck. Then Sir Gawain strikes him directly on his neck, and the Green Knights head rolls off. The Green Knight proceeds to pick up his head and leave, while bleeding terribly from the neck as if he were unharmed. Before he leaves, he tells Sir Gawain to come to the Green Chapel when they agreed. So then a year passes before Gawain comes across his second trial. It occurs while Gawain stays in the castle of a hospitable lord before he is to meet again with the Green Knight. During his stay, the lord and Sir Gawain agree to exchange what each has won during the day (Ponsor 128). For three days the lord brings back what he has hunted, and Gawain gives him the kisses he has received from the lady of the castle. However, he also received a magical green scarf from the lady on the third day, but fails to exchange it for it is a token of good luck. When Sir Gawain finally meets with the Green Knight, he prepares to be struck with a scythe, but the Green Knight ends up only giving him a minor scratch on the neck. This is because the knight was testing his honor, and he scratched him because he did not maintain his honor on that third day. He was supposed to hand overShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1200 Words à |à 5 Pagesfictional writing, cultural values of certain time periods have been expressed and implemented through the depiction of the heroesââ¬â¢ experiences on their journeys and the knowledge they gain by the questââ¬â¢s end. For example, in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a chivalric romance written in the Late Middle Ages, Gawain epitomizes a knight with the characteristics that knights from the Late Middle Ages were expected to possess according to the requirements outlined in the rules of chivalry, such asRead MoreComparing Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay1555 Words à |à 7 PagesAges, Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, both reflect attributes of loyalty, specifically the testing of oneââ¬â¢s loyalty and the consequences of di sloyalty, which reflect the behavior and values shared by the Anglo-Saxons and the people of the Late Medieval era. When analyzing loyalty in both of these works one will see that oneââ¬â¢s own self-worth turns loyalty into selfishness to save oneself rather than risking oneââ¬â¢s life for the sake of the community. Joseph Campbell outlined archetypesRead MoreBeowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay2373 Words à |à 10 Pagescase in the works Beowulf from the Anglo-Saxon period and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight from the Late Middle Ages. Both heroes Beowulf and Sir Gawain represent certain customs for their respective communities; however, the three hundred and fifty years between these two works contribute to the contrasting views in the definition of the aforementioned standards. Through a thorough examination of the Monomyth, a pattern identified in Joseph Campbellââ¬â¢s Hero with a Thousand Faces, a paradigm shift ofRead MoreHeroes : The Green Knight And Oed ipus1156 Words à |à 5 Pagesday. Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, once said ââ¬Å"the hero is the man of self achieved submission.â⬠A hero must also go through the twelve stages which include: call to adventure, assistance/departure, trials, approach, crisis, treasure, result, returning to their ordinary world, new life, resolution and returning to status quo. Heroes such as Beowulf, The Green Knight and Oedipus, are all seen as heroes for different reasons. However, these heroes are portrayed as archetypal heroes, meaningRead MoreComparing Beowulf And Sir Gawain Essay1388 Words à |à 6 Pagessociety values. Beowulf and Sir Gawain are examples of two different types of literature which were written at different times during ages where certain ideals were upheld. These ideals, which were popular in their corresponding eras, in some ways contrast and in other ways resemble each other. Nevertheless, they were shaped in accordance with the archetypal structure tha t permeates all literary works--that of the Monomyth, a concept first developed by Joseph Campbell in his monumental work TheRead MoreThe Heroes Of Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay2116 Words à |à 9 Pagespossess, as suggested by Joseph Campbell in his monumental work The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Such narrative poems as Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represent what the Anglo-Saxons and the Middle English saw as both acceptable and non-acceptable demeanor. Both works possess the same values and beliefs while others, distinctly oppose, something that can be clearly observed through the careful archetypal study of the heroes of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In Beowulf, the
Thursday, December 19, 2019
A Kingdom Strange By John Horn - 1271 Words
A Kingdom Strange by John Horn is a history book about settlers trying to establish the first English colony in America. They faced many obstacles and challenges trying to establish the colony of Roanoke. Before the English ventured to Roanoke Europeans explored and settled the New World. The Spanish were the most successful in settling the New World. They conquered most of Central and South America. Their main objective was to convert all of the Indians to Christianity. ââ¬Å"Spainââ¬â¢s claim to posses the Americas was based on discovery, conquest, and settlement, but even more important, it was founded on the sacred enterprise of extending the Catholic faith to (in Spanish eyes) ââ¬Å"barbarousâ⬠native peoplesâ⬠(Horn 12). The English investors,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Queen Elizabethââ¬â¢s goal for New World exploration and settlement was to better her country and its people. ââ¬Å"And the bill had been something of promotional coup in emphasizing Eliza bethââ¬â¢s explicit wish that her people benefit from the establishment of colonies and her hope that rich unknown land would be discoveredâ⬠(Horn 64). The English men and women joined the ventures in hopes to better their own life or that of their families. Another reason some joined the venture was that they hoped to be able to freely practice their own religion in the Americas. ââ¬Å"The opportunity to worship according to their own beliefs in America may have been a major incentive for some settlers to join Whiteââ¬â¢s ventureâ⬠(Horn 133). Most of the settlers that White was recruiting were people that he knew or people that he was recruiting knew. ââ¬Å"At least a third of the settlers were related to other members of the groupâ⬠(Horn 130). The settlers represented many different kinds of groups. A group that they represented was the Puritans. ââ¬Å"There is a strong possibility that some of the London colonists were Puritans. London was at the heart of the English Puritan movement after the restoration of the Protestant church in 1558â⬠(Horn 131). They also had a middle class background. ââ¬Å"Most of the colonyââ¬â¢s ruling group came from respectable middle-class backgroundsâ⬠(Horn 126). By settling in the Roanoke Colony they hoped to achieve a better life for themselves or their families back home. Life in
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The New Internet NGI Essay Example For Students
The New Internet NGI Essay As the internet continues to integrate itself into the daily routine of millions of people worldwide, the narrow possibilities of current download and viewing speed continue to constrain the amount of information that is accessible and how fast it can be retrieved. The government, in conjunction with numerous computer and telecommunications companies, has set forth the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative. Experts predict that in the next few years, internet users will have more bandwidth than they could ever use.While most NGI connections are currently concentrated on educational institutions and government use, more widespread use is just over the millennial horizon. Once upon a time, the world revolved around the 14.4 Kbps modem. It was the fastest thing on the market, and nothing could touch it. This lasted about as long as the 586 chip, for it was not long until the 28.8 Kbps modem revolutionized the industry with its ââ¬Å"lightening quickâ⬠downloads and amazing bandwidth possibilities. Other speeds were pushed by smaller competitors on the modem market, but the next big jump was to 56 Kbps modems. Federal regulations held download speeds to 54 K, but that didnââ¬â¢t matter because finally the technology was starting to emerge that would allow live audio and video streams to make TV obsolete ââ¬â almost. 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps networks were the standard for businesses and educational institutions, and for the most part they still are. From personal experience, 10 Mbps connections are amazing, as 8 MB files zip across the network at speeds blasting past 200 Kbps and still climbing as the file transfer is completed. Home users and o ther smaller businesses now enjoy the speed of cable and ISDN modem connections that rival most networks, and for those with money to burn, satellite connections are the end all for home users. While this is nice, content on the internet is still limited by what low-end users will tolerate waiting for, which can be rather frustrating to those looking for true real time video and other bandwidth-greedy applications. Here is where NGI comes into the equation. provides the opportunity for bandwidth able to handle applications that require at least 600 Mbps of bandwidth.Such applications include things like DVD-quality video transmission, real-time VRML (virtual-reality markup language), and language tutors that speak the language to you in a real time conversation better than the natives do. Donââ¬â¢t rush to the store asking where you can get NGI just yet. Currently, the company with the hold on the market is an MCI conglomeration called vBNS+ (very high performance backbone network service). Most of the computers taking advantage of mutli-gigabyte per second transfer rates have web addresses that end in .edu, and also big research facilities like the National Center for Atmospheric Research.The biggest and best connection by far is MCIââ¬â¢s pipeline connecting Los Angeles and San Fransisco, currently running at speeds at or exceeding 2.5 Gbps. One example of high speed conne ctions meeting the ordinary human with less than a doctorate degree is illustrated in PCComputingââ¬â¢s article on NGI: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦consider peaceful Ashton, Oregon. Ashland, population 19,000, boasts Shakespeare in the summer, picket fences, and a fiber-optic network connecting everyone in town. On its citywide gigabit network, residents get 3 Mbps to 5 Mbps transfer rates around the clock, giving them some of the highest personal bandwidth rates in the country.â⬠Does this mean that we will all soon laugh about the good old days when we spent two hours downloading a game demo? Donââ¬â¢t hold your breath yet. Is the future of the internet moving backs to its roots as an educational and business application, only now with full-screen video conferencing and true speed of light downloads? Quite possibly. .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed , .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .postImageUrl , .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed , .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:hover , .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:visited , .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:active { border:0!important; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:active , .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0b577ad8024182bf697612e9185190ed:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Color Bearer Tradition The War Between the Sta EssayThe initiative currently is underwritten by a few notable participating agencies with deep pockets. DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects AgencyDoE Department of EnergyNASANational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNISTNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyAgencyPresidentââ¬â¢s FY 1998 BudgetPresidentââ¬â¢s Proposed FY 1999 BudgetTruly we live in a time when the internet is in every part of many lives. It is a source of news, a way to research quickly, to be entertained, to find a date for Friday night. The day is coming, and in fact very visible, when the internet will jump to the next generation and be able to handle things we can only see in movies and in science fiction novels. NGI is the current plan, and many agencies have committed the money to see that it finds widespread acceptance as the new way to transfer almost everything under the sun. The future may be now, and the internet may be the way to communicate, but many people are aiming to keep communication as true to life as possible for the internet of tomorrow. ââ¬Å"About the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative.â⬠ November 21, 1999. Conley, Jim. ââ¬Å"Business at Warp Speed.â⬠,6605,2386414,00.html November 21, 1999. *actual magazine page used for footnote citations, article accessed from online version. ââ¬Å"How You Can Participate in the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative.â⬠ November 21, 1999. Bibliography:
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Solving ethical dilemma free essay sample
Alice, a manager at Shore Manufacturingââ¬â¢s plants, faces a dilemma. Her boss told her in the strictest confidence that the company will have to make workers redundant and the rumour is circulating round the plant. Her old school friend, who now works for her, asks her ââ¬Å"Am I going to lose my job? â⬠This essay will examine this ethical dilemma, evaluating and highlighting the process for moral decision making with the significant ethical theories. Through the process for solving the ethical problem, she may ensure that her decision is ethical and fair. An ethical dilemma may be defined as a problem situation in which there can be less immoral choices, but ââ¬Å"there is no obvious right or wrongâ⬠(Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2011, p. 64). Alice is in an ethical dilemma because her decision may conflict with her moral values whether or not she tells her friend about the redundancies. Then how could she morally choose the right decision in her way? To solve the ethical dilemma faced her, she could utilise the six step process, which is called an ethical decision making progress. We will write a custom essay sample on Solving ethical dilemma or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She firstly identifies the ethical issues involved, defines the problem she has. Secondly she identifies alternatives from a variety point of view, listing the options she could choose. For the next step, she considers the available moral imagination-Alice should perceive her moral issues of both company and her friend, through using the ethical theories. Next, she should consider how a decision affects stakeholders about the effects from her decision making. Now, make a decision. For the last step, she monitors, learns and reflects on the decision making (Weiss, 2003). Ethical theories and principles bring significant help to the decision making, so Alice needs to consider several ethical theories to make a decision. The first ethical theory that she could consider, is known as egoism. It can be explained that the results, consequences determined the rightness of an action (Shaw, Barry Sansbury, 2009). The term ââ¬Ëegoââ¬â¢ means the unique identity of the individual human self. This theory pursues the better consequences as a person enhances oneââ¬â¢s welfare and benefits, not for their society or others (Hartman Desjardins, 2008). It means egoism concerns with oneââ¬â¢s desires and getting what one want. ââ¬Å"What is right for you may be wrong for me? â⬠(Weiss, 2003, p. 78) Only individualââ¬â¢s values suggest directions for his or her actions on the theory. If Alice tells her friend about the redundancies, she may face being fired from the company or she may have disadvantages in a way. This gives her the bad consequences. Nevertheless, if she does not tell her friend, and the relationship between Alice and her friend breaks, then that situation also can be a bad result for her. The decision on the theory may not be accurate, or not be defined as right or wrong, because a person may decide things by what I perceive as ââ¬Ëfactââ¬â¢ (Weiss, 2003). Alice may conflicts with herself and othersââ¬â¢ beliefs. Like egoism, utilitarianism is based on consequences, but concerned with the greatest total amount of everyoneââ¬â¢s happiness (Shaw, Barry Sansbury, 2009). The right or wrong actions themselves are not really significant, but their consequences for everyone are important rather than my good and benefits. This word, utilitarianism, was invented by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), and the theory was refined by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). According to the theory, an action is morally right, if it produces the good results in the greatest good, for the greatest number of people affected by it (Ghillyer, 2010). In the situation seen in the case study, Alice would ââ¬Ëfollowââ¬â¢ the companyââ¬â¢s policy or plan, as not telling the truth over her friendââ¬â¢s happiness, if the assumption is made that she chooses to base on the utilitarianism, for the greater good of the company and its people. The decision would give advantages to the remaining people at Shore Manufacturingââ¬â¢s plants, but the 200 workers who have faced the redundancy. In this case, she could secure her job as well. This concept, utilitarianism is often used by organisations or business professionals, even government policy makers on the greatest good in the real world (Weiss, 2003). Unlike utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) argued ââ¬Å"universalism that holds that the means justify the ends of an action, not the consequencesâ⬠. It is called as Kantââ¬â¢s theory or deontology. The theory focuses on the right actions with a particular behaviour rather than on its consequences (Shaw, Barry Sansbury, 2009). By this theory, there are some things that we should not do because the actions may be defined as ââ¬Ëbadââ¬â¢ (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2011). This theory is based on universal principles; justice, rights, fairness and so on (Weiss, 2003). It tells that our actions are from duty and obligation with moral worth. So whether she does tell her friend or not tell, her action can be judged as the ââ¬Ërightââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëbadââ¬â¢ action as the action itself, not by the results. At this point of view, she is may forced not telling about redundancies because she may think that is companyââ¬â¢s policy and her duty. The decision would be based on justice and fairness. Another theory, virtue ethics treats peopleââ¬â¢s action and choices through their virtue. As Plato and Aristotle believe that ââ¬Å"all human beings aim at being happinessâ⬠(Werhane Freeman, 1997, p. 647), happiness is the ââ¬Ëendââ¬â¢ of human action in virtue ethics. A personââ¬â¢s performing the act which is connected with virtue determines that the action is ethically good or bad (Shaw, Barry Sansbury, 2009). Alice could make a decision upon her own values and so she would have the moral responsibility. The development of process gives people the moral responsibility of individuals. The theory is on the basis of the quality of the person. The most important thing in ethics and social relationships are not in the actions on the theory. An action is judged by the virtuousness of a person rather than the results or justice (Shaw, Barry Sansbury, 2009). The virtue ethics gives us a question, ââ¬Å"what sort of person do I want to become and how do I go about becoming that person? The last theory is an ethic of care. This theory emphasizes the significance of the relationships. It approaches ââ¬Å"argues that since we are interdependent upon others for our individual identity and well-being we have a moral obligation to consider the needs, desires, values and well-being of those with whom we have special, close or concrete relationshipsâ⬠(Shaw, Barry Sansbury, 2009, p. 93). At this point of view, Alice may care her friend, as she may be close to her friend, having a moral duty as a friend. Those theories may help to build Aliceââ¬â¢s morality which is her moral judgement. The concept of the term moral judgement which is an ethical judgement of values that may be cognition decided good or bad and right or wrong. Actually, in human society, there is a socially accepted idea that ethics is equal to rationality, so that moral judgement should be logical, should be based on facts. Alice could prioritize what she really cares about in this case by her logical value. However, there is also another idea. As Joshua Greene published in 2001, the results of his study, that the intuitive emotion is more affected than rationality to make ethical actions, in an ethical dilemma situation (Jo, 2011). This could make Aliceââ¬â¢s decision totally different. The different way to judge moral decision would bring different process and consequences, depending on Aliceââ¬â¢s value or feelings. Alice would morally judge her situation using those theories. Egoism and utilitarianism are consequential theories that refer to that the outcomes are the most importance. However, there is a big difference, egoism pursued my benefits and utilitarianism aims to the greatest mount of peopleââ¬â¢s benefit and their happiness. Kantââ¬â¢s ethics, virtue theory and ethic of care are non-consequential theories. Kantââ¬â¢s ethics focuses on the right action rather than its consequences. The action may be occurred by justice and rights by the theory. On virtue theory, the action is determined by oneââ¬â¢s virtues. Ethic of care is concerned with the dependent sides, the social relationships. Through the study of the case â⬠The Layoffâ⬠and those several theories, Alice would make a better choice, but the better choice may not be judged as a right or wrong answer. The six step process would be used to analyse her situation and the ethical dilemma.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Brand and Product Management
Introduction According to Naik, Prasad, and Sethi (2008), brand management is an important concept especially when it is applied in the management of fast moving consumer goods. This paper discusses brand management in the fast moving consumer goods within the Australian market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Brand and Product Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper reports on brand management exercises of two brands from a single category of fast moving consumer goods within the Australian market ââ¬â foods and beverages. These brands are the P and N beverages and Schweppes. Importance of brand awareness for FMCGs Amidst competition that prevails in most industries today, brand awareness remains the key to the positioning of products in markets (Nijssen, 1999). Brand management in fast moving goods is an important subject. This is because fast moving goods have low profits, and thus they have to be sold in big quantities. In addition, most of the fast moving goods are perishable and have to be marketed fast enough. There are many companies around the world manufacturing and distributing fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs). This means that competition in the fast moving consumer goods market is very high. Companies dealing in FMCGs are forced to develop strong brands so as to gain strong grounds and position in the market. Companies dealing in the manufacture of perishable goods have to be more proactive in ensuring that the goods that are processed move fast on stocks. This is done to avoid losses that often arise from the expiry of the goods before they are sold (Keller, 2003). According to Nijssen (1999), brand awareness levels of the fast moving goods ensure that they are quickly purchased in the market. One of the core tasks of brand managers is to ensure that they create sufficient awareness of products in the market. Brand awareness can easily culminate into brand l oyalty. Brand awareness is created through an array of activities among them brand salience (Romaniuk and Sharp, 2004). Research reveals that marketing managers are striving to raise product knowledge amongst customers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This resonates from the fact that brand awareness helps in ensuring that a firm attains and retains customers hence remaining more competitive in the market. The quicker the brand awareness is executed for FMCGs, the higher the chances of the goods of a firm to attain significant sales in the market. Breadth and depth of brand awareness for P and N beverages and Supreme foods P and N beverages are some of the most known brands in Australia dealing in the manufacture of beverages and other soft drinks in Australia. These brands face stiff competition from top beverage and soft drink companies in Australia that have stronger and more dominant brands in the market. On the other hand, there is a brand within the beverage industry of Australia that has been in existence for a very long time. This brand is called Schweppes and is manufactured by Asahi Breweries. This is the company that is synonymous with most Australians as compared to P and N beverages. Schweppes is a strong brand in the Australian market because of various factors that have promoted its awareness and loyalty amongst Australian Consumers. Brand awareness of any product in the market is built and supported by many factors including the existence and long periods of consumption of a product. Other factors for emergent brands in the market are depended on how the brand is managed through the creation of brand awareness and brand salience. For FMCGs, brand management has to be taken with more seriousness. This is because of the cut throat competition that exists in industries dealing in such goods. Strong brands are often developed over long peri ods and is accompanied by the continued use of products. This leads to the development of strong tastes and preferences for the product (Driesener and Romaniuk, 2006). The breadth and strength of Schweppes brand in the FMCGs market of Australia Schweppes is one of the widely consumed beverages in Australia since it is one of the highly positioned brands in the Australian market. Having stayed in the market for a long time, Schweppes has developed a strong brand in Australian market. Accessibility and prominence, which are key components of brand salience, are argued to have favoured the development and prevailing strength of the Schweppes brand in Australia.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Brand and Product Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As one of the oldest brands to enter the market, it was easy to develop brand salience for the Schweppes brand in the country. One of the supportive factors for thi s was the ease of access in the market due to the absence of or minimal competition in the market. Market access is one of the precursors of forming a strong force in familiarizing a brand within the market. With less competition and a minimal number of competitor products within the market, it becomes quite easy to introduce and penetrate a brand in the market. This case can be attributed to Schweppes. The prominence of this brand was built through the name that was very appealing to consumers from the early times of the inception of the brand (Pride, 2011). According to Driesener and Romaniuk (2006), marketing researchers ascertain that brands are built using different product aspects. Product name is just one of these aspects. The brand took the long-term prominence path by adopting modern brand building practices. This was after the company had attained the short-term prominence. These practices have been substantial in maintaining the competitive advantage hence retaining the s trength of the brand in the Australian market and beyond. Brand diversification was borrowed into Schweppes by developing different tasted of the Schweppes brand to ensure a stronger presence in the market. The tasted of this product have been diversified to cater for the differing tastes of consumers in the market. There are pure drinks and creams with different tastes like lemon among many other tastes. There is also lot of diversity in terms of packaging the product, which catches the attention and taste of consumers. The firm has also adopted modern marketing practices such as the use of the social media. This helps in the creation of strong consumer communities for the product that adds the number of customers. Social media help in the creation of consumer awareness through forums that help in addressing the concern of customers. The brand has gained access into the global market, which is a pointer to the quality and the strength of the brand (Schweppes Australia, 2012). The b readth and strength of P and N beverages in the Australian market As compared to Schweppes, P and N brands are considered to be weaker brands in the Australian market. Brands that are produced by P and N include mineral waters, fruit juices, and soft drinks. The company has not stayed in the market for a very long time.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is in comparison with other beverage companies and brands that came into the Australian market much earlier like Schweppes and Coca-Cola. The companies that came into the market earlier were able to establish dominant brands that are not easily beatable by P and N beverage brands (Romaniuk, Sharp and Ehrenberg, 2007). P and N was established in the year 1990 compared to Schweppes brands that have been in the market since 1950s. However, P and N brands have managed to attain competitiveness because of the emphasis on brand building. This has seen its brand remain competitive and even pose a challenge to the brands like Schweppes, which have been dominating the market for a long time. With a lot of advertising and promotional campaigns, a high level of brand awareness has been created about the products helping them to gain many customers in the market (Australian Exporters Directory, 2012). Advertising is one of the best methods of capturing the attention of customers hence posi tioning a brand in the market. Aggressiveness in advertising helps in hastening the rate at which customers gain awareness and attachment to the products or brands in the market. In addition, diversity has been used in factoring in the tastes of consumers. There are diverse products within the P and N products. This ensures that customers get what they want in a single brand. This helps in keeping customers hence building the brand further (Pieters, Warlop and Wedel, 2002). Conclusion Brand management is one of the activities that are given more attention by firms because it helps in building brands hence enhancing marketing. Branding is an expensive affair to gain. However, once established, it becomes easy to maintain brands in the market. Schweppes brand and P and N brands in Australia have been built through the adoption of aggressive branding strategies. Reference List Australian Exporters Directory, 2012, P N Beverages Australia Pty Ltd, viewed on http://www.australianexporte Driesener, C and Romaniuk, J., 2006, ââ¬Å"Comparing methods of brand image measurement,â⬠International Journal of Market Research, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 681-698. Keller, KL 2003, ââ¬Å"Brand Synthesis: The Multidimensionality of Brand Knowledge,â⬠Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 595-600. Naik, PA, Prasad, A and Sethi, SP 2008, ââ¬Å"Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets,â⬠Management Science, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 129-138. Nijssen, EJ 1999, ââ¬Å"Success factors of line extensions of fast-moving consumer goods,â⬠European Journal of Marketing, vol. 33, no. 5/6, pp. 450-474. Pieters, R, Warlop, L and Wedel, M 2002, ââ¬Å"Breaking through the clutter: Benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory,â⬠Management Science, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 765-781. Pride, WM 2011, Marketing principles, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, Vic: Romaniuk, J and Sharp, B 2004, ââ¬Å" Conceptualizing and measuring brand salience,â⬠Marketing Theory, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 327ââ¬â342. Romaniuk, J, Sharp, B, and Ehrenberg, A 2007, ââ¬Å"Evidence concerning the importance of perceived brand differentiation,â⬠Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 42-54. Schweppes Australia, 2012. Our Brands, viewed on This essay on Brand and Product Management was written and submitted by user Melanie Calderon to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
What Is Juvenile Delinquency Example
What Is Juvenile Delinquency Example What Is Juvenile Delinquency ââ¬â Coursework Example In your own words what is juvenile delinquency? Do you believe society puts enough emphasis on preventing juvenile crime? Why or why not?Juvenile Delinquency can in very simply words be defined as illegal act committed by a person who cannot legally be defined as an adult due to being of a less age. Punishment for juveniles involved in crime is often different from that which would have been to given to adults if they were to carry out a similar act. The main question that this seeks to answer is whether the society puts substantial emphasis on preventing juveniles from taking part in crime or not. According to the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, it is the responsibility of an entire society to put joint efforts to ensure that adolescents are given an environment to harmoniously develop, as that is the only way of putting them away from becoming Juvenile Delinquents (Shoemaker). The guidelines shed light on the importance of equal educational opp ortunities so that adolescents can distinguish between what is right and wrong. The guidelines also point out towards that fact that young people should not merely be taken as objects of control, but rather have an active role in the society and its development.The society does without any doubt put an emphasis on preventing juvenile crime; however having said that it one should also understood that while knowledge and guidance can always be imparted, the acceptance or application of it always lies in the hand of the party at the receiving end. Similarly, while society has historically and will always put an emphasis on preventing juvenile crime, it is also in the hands of juveniles to take the lesson from their seniors and apply them in real life for their own benefit.Work CitedShoemaker, Donald J. Juvenile Delinquency. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Stress and Academic Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Stress and Academic Stress - Essay Example e stressful events that have inclined experts to consider stress as one of the major causes of deaths globally, as nowadays, stress is resulting in high blood pressure, headache, mental disorder, etc. In the result, a huge number of researchers are now putting efforts to analyze different factors of stress, in order to implicate their solutions to deal effectively with it. It is observation that youth or specifically, students are becoming the foremost victims of this phenomenon. Psychologists (Peffer, pp. 51-57) believe that extra load of studies and pressure of examinations has been some of the significant factors that put students in stress during their academic lives. In contrary to the motive of education, todayââ¬â¢s students are endeavoring to acquire education to get good marks or grades in the examination that will ensure their job in the market. This pressure of failure and losing chances of getting a good job has resulted in experts to focus more on students. Nowadays, many organizations are offering stress therapies to young individuals that may help them in managing effectively with the stress. However, besides therapies, I believe that study techniques play a crucial role in the phenomenon of stress, and a student can avoid or reduce stress levels by planning and applying study schedules prior to examinations. It is an understanding that students usually do not study on daily basis, and examination schedules only bring them to the study tables that automatically showers a huge list of topics and subjects that becomes the cause of stress. In this regard, proper planning for studying surely makes a huge difference, and is beneficial in avoiding any effects of academic stress. In brief, water is another source that helps in dealing with stressors effectively. Thus, heavy intake of water during the whole day is another efficient way of staying healthier, and away from stress. In addition to study techniques, experts have identified and introduced four
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Digital Marketing annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Digital Marketing - Annotated Bibliography Example Arthur Lisaââ¬â¢s book discusses big data as a topic that involves many individuals throughout the organizations. She argues that this fact is very essential and should not get forgotten whenever an individual is trying to make use big data in a purposeful manner. The book, big data marketing entails the position held by big data in marketing. The book; however tends to concentrate more on the barriers that hinder the organizations to use big data effectively. However, she acknowledges that big data has greatly improved advertising and marketing. The organizations that have made use of big data have recorded a tremendous success in their marketing and consequently improved sales. Amazon and E bay ensures that the products get exposed to the consumers. In this book, the author concentrates on over thirty years of her technological marketing leadership as well as her current obligation as a chief officer of marketing. She provides a common sense sequentially and also proven the data driven marketing adoption approach. The author noted that the enormous development of the internet and its necessity has made companies appreciate digital marketing. However, some organizations are yet to reap the benefits that big data the potential of providing. She attributed big data adoption to an improved customer experiences, expenses friendly and its role is commendable. She hence advocated for its adoption by marketers in their respective organizations. These aspects have led to the adoption of big data marketing and advertising by many organizations across the world. They are also easy to use especially E bay and Amazon.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Appraisal of Laura Poppo and Todd Zenger Article
Appraisal of Laura Poppo and Todd Zenger - Article Example The paper introduces one means by which other factors to a companyââ¬â¢s transaction cost economics (TCE) in addition to the widely recognized and tested boundary choice theory might be measured in the information services field. After explaining the concepts involved with efficiency models based on boundary choice, the authors reveal the weaknesses introduced in the results of these models as a result of an inability to test for performance-level data. By testing the influence of exchange attributes on the performance levels of markets and firms independently, the authors are able to incorporate production and governance efficiency within their models. The literature review, presented in conjunction with the development of the various hypotheses to be tested, is well-rounded, examining various aspects of the theories that have presented, including their strengths and weaknesses. This provides a very informative background introduction to the subject as well as establishes how the various hypotheses were developed. The sample selected for the study is similarly based upon the work of previous scholars, concentrating on the same group of professionals as being the most involved with the factors under consideration. However, this study differed from others in that it attempted to include a much broader selection of informants than previous studies.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Solutions To Overcome HR Issues
Solutions To Overcome HR Issues Reliance telecommunications LTD is an Indian telecommunication company founded by Anil Ambani in 2004.The headquarters of the company is in Navi Mumbai India. Reliance telecommunication is the 15th largest telecommunication provider in the world with 150 million subscribers and the second largest telecommunication provider in India. The company has segments like wireless and broadband in telecommunication industry. The company achieved a high growth in telecommunication industry from the beginning stage itself. Customer satisfaction and good company policies made them to competitive with other companies. Reliance communications follows good human resource policies and procedures even though it has some draw backs. Vision of the company-Providing information, communication, entertainment services and being the benchmark in customer experience, employee centricity and innovation is the main vision of the company. Mission of the company-meeting beyond customer needs and wants with a segmented approach, relentless offering of services and products that are value for cash and stimulate customers, offer a network experience that is best in the communication industry, make reliance in to an international brand which is a iconic brand by others and lead industry in target to purchase and faithfulness. INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource management refers to an assortment of policies used to systematize work in the employment relationship and centres on the management of work and the management of people who undertakes this work. Therefore HRM is concerned with recruitment, selection, learning and development, reward, communication, teamwork and routine management. While it is relatively easy to list activities that make up HRM, It is a subject that stimulates much debate and disagreement. The hr process is considered as important for the management of the consumer pleasure with human recourses. The clients find comfortable and will be satisfied when they understand the hr processes and how they are connected and the hr processes interact. Modern hr processes are measured and frequently analysed and identifies the irregularities in the activities and it brings the improvements for the benefits of the organisation. The success of Human Resources Management is in the connection of all HR processes as they provide the adequate supports to workers and the managers. So the main aim of Human Resource Management is to keep the human capital ready for action on the market and the rational grouping of HR Processes helps to interact and manage the individual processes. Every organisation has their own HR processes, but the main HR Processes are always same in all companies as it is the market HR Best Practices. Human Resource Management is considered as a comparatively new approach to Personnel Management. HRM emphasizes primarily on its strategic contributions and its closer alignment to business, HRM is a vital component of any organization, its involvement among other components of line management is notable (Paauwe. J, Jan 2009). Paauwe further suggests that HRM aims on its ultimate goals such as High job performance, low absence and high cost effectiveness through the efficient utilization of the man power of the company. Human resource is really the major component of any organization, the success or failure of an organization heavily relies on its Man power management. Maslows need Hierarchy theory is considered as guiding principle for HR Management across the globe. Maslow identified the very basics of human motivation factors. Following this principle it can be assumed that to motivate an employee HR manager should understand his level of expectations, potential of the employee, a nd should evaluate the performance before and after certain motivational measures implemented. KEY HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF RELIANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANPOWER PLANNING Human Resource Planning is the integral part of Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning estimates the optimal level of Man power requirement on the basis of quality and quantity. Thus HRP can be considered as the foundation of Human Resource management. Although HR planning is very important it cannot be executed faultlessly in all cases, as HR is dependent on various factors such as employment situation of the country, influence of technological advancement, changes in the organization structures, Demographic factors such as age, population, composition of workforce, lack of skill, multicultural workforce etc. Certain pressure groups will also affect the precision of the HRP. Understanding of competencies of the Human resource is vital in forming a successful HR frame work. Lengnic-Hall, 1988, Milliman et al., 1991, describes the terms Internal and External fit, Internal fit refers to the extent to which the manpower constituents are linked in a logical way and how effecti vely they support themselves, on the other hand external fit primarily focus on the strategy of the organization, external fit reveals to what extent human resources systems are integrated. Manpower Planning or Human Resource Planning includes putting exact number of people, exact kind of people at the exact place, exact time at a low cost. Personnel Planning hold an important place in the world of industrialization. Personnel Planning has to be a systematic approach and is managed in a set of model operations. The procedure is as follows: Assessing the present manpower in the company Forecasting the future needs budding employment programmes Organising training programmes BENEFITS OF MAN POWER PLANNING Manpower planning is very important part of human resource management. A few importance of man power planning are. concentrated labour cost.-with the help of manpower planning there is most favourable operation of labour force in the organisation workers are given those jobs to implement for which they are skilled (right person for the right job).it leads to overall progress of the man power in the organisation. Optimum utilisation of manpower: it helps to utilise the labour force in the company which helps in the growth of manpower in the organisation. Develops business plan-Man power planning is an important part of overall business planning. No business can survive without having the right type and number of people doing the right work at the right time. Helps in career succession planning-with the help of better manpower planning it helps to produce a good career succession of employees which provides much lead time for internal succession of workers through higher position through encouragement. Development of the organisation- The man power planning helps in the expansion of an organisation. Growth in overall business planning-Manpower planning is a main part of overall business planning. Efficient manpower planning will help to improve the business. RECRUITEMENT AND STAFFING Recruitment and staffing is the process of selecting the right labours in to the organisation. The main aim of recruitment is to look for and be a magnet for persons with skilled to fill the vacancies. This process includes job analysis preparing personnel requirement sources of skilled employees. Job analysis Job analysis is a process of analysing the job in detail and providing the details of job needs to the HR planning department they present details as job specification and job analysis. Job analysis is important in the whole organisation. And they will provide the details of manpower requirements. The main sources of recruitment are Reliance communications have two main sources of recruitment internal and external internal external sources of recruitment(figure.2) Internal sources of recruitment are. Promotion-This is a normal source of recruitment, which means providing higher position, salary and responsibilities to the employee. So the position of the job vacancy is filled by promoting the suitable employee within the organisation. Transfers-It means transferring one employee to the other organisation without change in salary and position, so the vacancy can be filled by transfer. Advertising internally-Here the job vacancy is advertised within the organisation so the existing employees in the organisation can apply for the post. So the recruitment is take place inside the organisation. External sources of recruitment are. Selective recruitment through job boards-This is a major source of recruitment .To ensure most appropriate qualified candidates are being applied for the major position. The agency considers the following details for every positions junior, intermediate, senior, Level of education degree, diploma etc. Using these details the company determines which job boards, communication channels, and advertisement strategies are suitable for attract the right skilled candidates to apply for the job positions. Management consultants-For the vacancies in the higher positions in the company, management consultants are used to find the qualified and skilled employees. They act as a recruiter on the behalf of the company. Advertisement for public-The Company advertises the vacancy in internet, newspapers, Television etc. And this will provide the details of the company, job and the qualification required for the position. NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF STAFFING Keep space with new development-New developments are happening every day. A business will have to keep phase with new changes. This will be possible only if competent persons are employed who can adjust as per the new situation. Manpower Development-man power planning will have to be done in advance. The future requirements of personnel will be estimated quite in advance. The new staff will be recruited, people will be prepared for talking up higher responsibility jobs, and all this will be possible with a well planned staffing function. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPEMENT This function helps the employees to develop their skills and knowledge for increasing their output. This process is not only done for the freshers but also to the existing employees in the firm to develop their skills and responsibilities. Human resource development helps to increase the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talents, and aptitudes of an organisations work force. Human resource development includes function such as training, career development. Training-Training is providing to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees there are mainly two types of training they are on the job training and off the job training. On the job training is a process of giving training in normal working situations using actual materials or documents, equipment, actual tools trainees will make use when completely moulded. Off the job training is usually provided away from the usual working environment, it may include more general skills and knowledge which is useful for the job. This type of training is given by the specialised trainers or from an outside company who outsource the trainers. METHODS OF TRAINING A.Programmed learning- It is a step by step process of self learning method,providing questions, facts, and problems to the learner then allowing the person to respond and providing feed back on the accuracy of the answer. B. Apprentiship training- It is a method of process that the employees will become efficient workers through grouping of classroom coaching and also through on job training. C. Audio visual based training- This method of training includes tools like power point presentation, online video conferencing, audiotapes and video tapes. D. Computer based trining- This training method is widely used to provide good training to employees, it is time consuming and easy way to provide training. It is cost effective while comparing to other training methods. E. Simulated training- In this method trainess will learn from the actual or simulated equipement they will use on the job, but actually trained off the job. F. Lectures- When their is a large number of trainees, this method is used it is the immideate way to give instruction of job related activities within a specified period of time. H. Internet and distance Training Internet training includes video conferencing and web based training, distance training means traditional training paper and pencil correspondence course. 1. Tele training where a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via television hookups. 2. Videoconferencing Video conferencing will provide the opportunity to train the employees from one location and communicate live through video and audio visuals with people in different locations another country, city etc. 3. Training via the Internet the Internet based learning programs are very popular. Several companies simply let their employees to take online courses provided by online course providers while others use their intranets to facilitate computer-based training. CAREER DEVELOPEMENT Diagram demonstrating your personal development Carrer developement of employees is a crucial part of the organisation, It helps to identifies the overall acheivement of the employees .Career developement is becoming an essential part of HR departement due to todays everchanging organisaton enviornment and work place. Reliance communications helps the employees to attain a good carrer graph based on the company HR policies and procedures. First of all the company gather the strength and weakness of every individual, then they provide different opportunities to develop their carrer based on the strength and weakness. The basic formula for the career developement is self awareness every individual asses their own problems and issues and then the company will help to over come this issues .Now days people are changing their jobs to attain a good carrer success .Reliance communication identifies this problem and they had a good career sucession plan for every individual employee in the organisation. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Compensation and benefits is a basic motivational factor to the employees.Every employee will search for high paid jobs,benefits is also another important factor if the company provides good benifits the employees will get good attachment to the company. Benefits include bonus, medical insurance,retierment policies, life insurace, vacation etc.Reliance communicatons provide basic pay which is satisfiable for every employee to motivate the employees and to attract to qualified employees to the organisation. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMENT Leadership developement helps the organisation to achieve the goals, through the developement of good leadership in each employee reliance aims at the overall developement of the organisation as well as the growth in employees functioning.Every employee in the organisation is gaining a better leadership quality through the leadership developement function.Each emloyees in the company are closely monitored by the management and if they are weak in the work the company will encourage them.And the workers are councelled by the management to increase work efficiency.And their will be a structured plan to create a positive working enviornment.The main aim of leadership developement is to leading self,leading others and leading the organisation. MAJOR HR ISSUES FACED BY RELIANCE COMMUNICATION ISSUES IN RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS EMPLOYEE RETENTION POOR HR POLICIES CASH AND COMPENSATION ISSUES 1.CASH AND COMPENSATION ISSUES: Cash and compensation issues is a major problem faced by HR managers in reliance communications. There is more pressure on HR function to pay more incentives and basic pay for the employees.However reliance paying basic salary to each individual employees the company faces more pressure to meet the employee beniefits . 2.EMPLOYEE RETENTION ISSUES: Most of the companies face the same problem of employee lay-offs. So the organisation have to prevent the issue by retaining the employee by providing good working condition and benefits whichever the employees need. In reliance industries there are so many employees leave the company due to lack of co-ordination between workers. The organisation tries to check the issue but fails sometimes. 3. POOR HR POLICIES : The plocies and practices adopted by the HR managers regarding their networking sector is an important example. They brought some new plans in mobile networking sector like low call rate for mobile users, low internet browsing charge.etc., but the competitors like AIRTEL communications, BSNL network, VODAFONE facilitated some more exciting offers than the reliance. In that situation the Reliance communication hesitated to change their HR policies and techniques. From the graphical representation of reliances communications profit from 2007 to 2012, we can easily determine that the profit is coming down in last two years comparing to the past this is due to the poor HR issues as mentioned above.The company is earning a high growth in 2008 and 2009 which is around 55000 million and it is dramatically falling down in the upcoming years.That means the company is facing some major HR issues and also high competition from other companies, so the organisation must change their HR policies eventually. SUGGESTIONS TO OVERCOME THE HR ISSUES Nowdays telecommunication industry is facing high competition from other telecommunication companies, If the company has no good HR stratergies the company cannot exist in the high competative world.Reliance communication is facing some HR issues as mentioned above, to overcome this problems company must do some good HR restructuring process in the company .The first main issue is ; Cash and compensation issues- As it is a major problem the company must find a good solution to overcome this issue, the suggestion to solve this problem is to pay cash and compensation based on the experience of the employees.As mentioned above the company is paying a basic salary to each individual, first of all the company must change this basic payment method,and the compensation and benifits must be paid according to the experience and skills of each individual. So the company can reduce the cost of labour so the company can meet the compensation and benifits of each individual according to the profit earned by the company. Employee retention issues-Retention of employees is another HR issue faced by the company, nowadays a lot of employees are leaving the company due to high pressure of work and lack of co-ordination between employees are the main employee retention issues faced by reliance communication, to reduce this problems reliance must provide good working enviornment to reduce the pressure of work, communication is another way to over come this problem good communication between the management and staff will make a good understanding between the employees and management, this will increase employees confidents and reduce the work pressure.A high rate of employees resigning their job and going to another companies who offer better working enviornment. Better co-ordination is the another way to improve employee retention,co-ordination will improve better relationship between employees and management.And this will result increase employees confidence and work efficiency. Poor HR policies-Due to high competition in communication industry lots of companies introducing new HR techniques to improve their company goodwill .Reliance communication is following the traditional HR policies and plans so the company is facing high market competition from other companies, to exists in the competative market company must improve their HR stratergies and policies.Nowadays companies are providing good offers to the employees so the company must realise the problems and try to overcome such issues.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Evolution of Policing in the UK Essay -- Modern Policing
The dictionary definition of the police is ââ¬Å"the organized civil force of a state, concerned with maintenance of law and order, the detection and prevention of crime, etc,â⬠(Collins English Dictionary, 2002). This definition states the minimum of what the police actually do. Providing support for families, protecting society from criminals and responding to calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week are just some of the other roles that police have to deal with. In this essay the evolution of the police will be discussed as well as how the police are facing challenges. The police are continuously developing and have been ever since the beginning of informal policing which saw that everyone who lived in a society had to be responsible for keeping the peace (Engel, R. 2012). The evolution of policing first began in Anglo Saxon times in which introduced a Tything. A Tything were a group of 10 families that would discuss concerns and mutual protection (A history of policing, 1998). During this time, the second development stage had occurred; this was assigning certain members of society into informal roles of policing (Engel, R. 2012). This led the way for a more centralised system which saw a few modifications in the structure by the Normans. A local court system was introduced into this system (A history of policing, 1998). It wasnââ¬â¢t until the 18th century in which formal policing began to emerge and was the last stage of developing the police. Specific members of the public would be given formal responsibility of looking after the community ( Engel, R. 2012). 1829 saw the innovation of the Metropolitan police as a result of the industrial revolution which lead to an escalation in crime as well as the final development stage of policing (... ...he-police_1.> Last accessed: 31st December 2013. Dempsey, J. Forst, L (2011). An Introduction to Policing. 6th ed. London: Cengage Learning. p129-130. Engel, R. (2012). Police: History - Early Policing In England. Available: Last accessed 6th January 2014. Fahy, Sir P. (2013). Why do you have a police force?. [Online] Available: Last accessed 3rd January 2014. Metropolitan Police. (N.D). The role of the PCSO. [Online] Available: Last accessed 30th December 2013. Rogers, C. Lewis, R (2007). Introduction to Police Work. 1st ed. Devon: Willan . p4. Warwickshire Police. (2003). PCSOS. [Online] Available: Last accessed 30th December 2013.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Art History Essay
Jose De Ribera, Martydom of Saint Bartholomew, ca. 1639. Oil on canvas * Ribera uses this piece to scorn idealization of any kind. * The drama and brutality expresses the harsh times of the Counter-Reformation. * We notice Caravaggioââ¬â¢s influence on Ribera through the naturalism and drama used in Martydom of Saint Bartholomew and Caravaggioââ¬â¢s many works. Francisco De Zurbaran, Saint Serapion, 1628. Oil on canvas * Serapion was a British martyr who was supposed to fight the Moors in Spain, who ended up being butchered in Algeria. * What makes this piece different is a complete lack of violence. There is no blood or any sign of a wound, as we can see his white robe is spotless. * Unlike most martyr paintings that make the subject seem heroic and brave, Zurbaran captures the true helplessness of the saint, winning the viewerââ¬â¢s emotions. Diego Velazquez, Water Carrier of Seville, ca. 1619. Oil on canvas * This piece captures the social issue of the rich and poor of Spain during the time. * The contrast of dark and light shows elements of Caravaggio, who Velaquez had studied. * Although this scene shows everyday life, the care it conveys suggests a deeper meaning. Diego Velazquez, Surrender of Breda, 1634-1635. Oil on canvas * Velazquez aided Philip IV in regaining power by using Surrender of Breda as propaganda. * This piece was not only a symbol of Spanish nationalism, but a tribute to Ambrogio Spinola, the Spanish general of this war. * Velazquezââ¬â¢s relationship with Spinola made Surrender of Breda especially historically accurate. Diego Velazquez, King Philip IV of Spain (Fraga Philip), 1644. Oil on canvas * Velazquez portrays Philip as a military leader by focusing attention on his marvelous red and silver campaign dress. * The painting is also known as Fraga Philip, because it was painted in the town of Fraga in Aragon. * This portrait was just another example of Velazquezââ¬â¢s propagandistic images used for King Philip IV. Diego Velazquez, Las Meninas, 1656. Oil on canvas * The use of depth and content in this piece helped prove Las Meninas as Velazquezââ¬â¢s masterpiece. * The mirror on the back wall seems to be the reflection of the king and queen, meaning they are being painted on the other side of the room. * Velazquez actually painted himself as the artist in the room. Peter Paul Rubens, Elevation of the Cross, 1610. Oil on panel * Rubens used elements both from the Renaissance and of the Italian Baroque to create the first Pan-European style, as seen in Elevation of the Cross. * The tension is emotional and physical, as seen in Christââ¬â¢s face and the grief of his followers. * The drama is intensified by the strong use of light and dark. Peter Paul Rubens, drawing of Laocoon, ca. 1600-1608. Black-and-white chalk drawing with bistre wash * The predominantly black chalk drawing shows Rubensââ¬â¢ study of classical representation of the human form. * This piece is obviously a revisit of the marble sculpture that depicted Laocoon and his sons breaking free from serpents. * Rubens had a big focus on mastering the human body, which led him to copy classical works of earlier master artists, such as this piece. Peter Paul Rubens, Arrival of Marie deââ¬â¢ Medici at Marseilles, 1622-1625. Oil on canvas * The painting depicts Marie arriving in France after a long voyage from Italy. * The women waiting for her is an allegory personified to represent France, and the goddesses, Neptune and the Nereids (daughters of the sea god Nereus), represent the sky and the sea rejoicing her safe arrival. * The surfaces are enriched with decoration to further bring the painting together. Peter Paul Rubens, Allegory of the Outbreak of War, 1638. Oil on canvas * The beautiful human forms and energy that take away attention from the chaos of this piece is a recurrent theme in Rubensââ¬â¢ other works. * The Thirty Yearsââ¬â¢ War was Rubensââ¬â¢ reason to create Allegory. * The woman clothed in black, deprived of her jewels and ornaments is an unhappy Europe. Anthony Van Dyck, Charles I Dismounted, ca. 1635. Oil on canvas * Charles I turns his back on his attendants as he looks over his domain. * His location on higher ground gives us the idea he is higher than all of his observers and followers. * The king impersonates as a noble man for a casual walk in the park, but no one can take their eyes off his regal poise. Hendrick Ter Brugghen, Calling of Saint Matthew, 1621. Oil on canvas * The naturalistic presentation of the subjects echoes the work of Caravaggio. * This piece differs from work of Caravaggio because the use of color, rather than extreme contrast of light and dark. * There is a definite claustrophobic effect as noticed by the figures being crammed into a well-lit room. Gerrit Van Honthorst, Supper Party, 1620. Oil on canvas * In this painting, Honthorst portrays the darker side of humanity. * The man on the right being fed by the woman is sometimes interpreted as a warning by Honthorst to avoid the sin of gluttony. * Honthorst frequently placed a hidden light source in his paintings, such as Supper Party, to work with violent dark and light effects. Frans Hals, Archers of Saint Hadrian, ca. 1633. Oil on canvas * The Archers were one of many militia groups that helped in liberating the Dutch Republic from Spain. * In this portrait, each man is a troop member yet individually different from the next. * The troop membersââ¬â¢ attire further helps create a certain rhythm to the piece. Frans Hals, The Women Regents of the Old Menââ¬â¢s Home at Haarlem, 1664. Oil on canvas * This piece captures the details of each sitter and their cultural characteristics. * The women seem to have different emotions all around, from complete disinterest to concern of their environment. * The monochromatic theme of this painting further adds to the paintingââ¬â¢s restraint. Rembrandt Van Rijn, Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, 1632. Oil on canvas * The studentsââ¬â¢ individual faces tell us each has different feelings and thoughts about the man being dissected. * Van Rijn diagonally placed the body to break away from the strict horizontal orientation found in traditional paintings. * Rembrandt chose to have the students all on the left side to highlight Dr. Tulp and the body.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pronunciation Practice for Stress and Intonation
Pronunciation Practice for Stress and Intonation The first step in learning correct English pronunciation is to focus on individual sounds. These sounds are named phonemes. Every word is made up of a number of phonemes or sounds. A good way to isolate these individual sounds is to use minimal pair exercises. To take your pronunciation to the next level, focus on stress on intonation. The following resources will help you improve your pronunciation by learning the music of English. Practice with Pronunciation Using English is a stress-timed language and, as such, good pronunciation depends a lot on the ability to accent the correct words and successfully use intonation to make sure you are understood. Simply put, spoken English stress the principal elements in a sentence - content words - and quickly glides over the less important words - function words. Nouns, principal verbs, adjectives and adverbs are all content words. Pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions are function words and are pronounced quickly moving towards the more important words. This quality of quickly gliding over less important words is also known as connected speech. For more information on the basics of the stress-timed nature of English, please refer to: Intonation and Stress: Key to UnderstandingThis feature takes a look at how intonation and stress influence the way English is spoken. How to Improve Your PronunciationThis how to focuses on improving your pronunciation through the recognition of the time-stressed character of English. I am continually surprised to see how much my students pronunciation improves when they focus reading sentences focusing on only pronouncing the stressed words well! This feature includes practical exercises to improve your pronunciation skills by improving the stress-timed character of your pronunciation when speaking in full sentences. Take a look at the following sentences and then click on the audio symbol to listen to the examples showing the difference between the sentences spoken: In a plain manner, focusing on the correct pronunciation of each word - much as some students do when trying to pronounce well. In the natural, manner with content words being stressed and function words receiving little stress. Example Sentences Alice was writing a letter when her friend came through the door and told her she was going to leave on holiday. I had studying for about an hour when the telephone rang. Fast automobiles make dangerous friends. If you can wait for a moment, the doctor will be with you shortly. Id like a steak, please. Pronunciation Exercises 1 Pronunciation Exercises 2 For Teachers Lesson Plans based on these Pronunciation Exercises for Teachers English: Stress - Timed Language IPre-intermediate to upper intermediate level lesson focusing on improving pronunciation by awareness raising and practice of stress-timing in spoken English. English: Stress - Timed Language IIAwareness raising followed by practical application exercises including: function or content word recognition exercise, sentence stress analysis for spoken practice. Comparison of unnaturally and naturally spoken English by looking at the tendency of some students to pronounce every word correctly. Listening and Oral repetition exercise developing student ears sensitivity to the rhythmic quality of English.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Depression and Life Satisfaction Essays
Depression and Life Satisfaction Essays Depression and Life Satisfaction Essay Depression and Life Satisfaction Essay The correlation between depression and life satisfaction for older adults was examined using questionnaires. Four hundred and one older adults (age 65 and above) filled out two questionnaires that assessing depression and life satisfaction, as well as two irrelevant questionnaires that were used to prevent from guessing the hypothesis. As hypothesized, significant negative correlation was found between depression and life satisfaction for older adults. However, the strength of the correlation was quite low. This might due to the inadequate use of questionnaires or participantsââ¬â¢ characteristics. Keywords: depression, life satisfaction, older adults Effect of Depression on Life Satisfaction for Elderly Population People who are suffering from depression tend to have a negative view of life. Consequently, they generally have lower level of life satisfaction as well. Previous research has suggested a strong negative correlation between depression and life satisfaction. That is, as one gets more severe in his depression symptoms, his overall life satisfaction will decrease dramatically. For example, in one study conducted by Headey, Kelley and Wearing (1991), the participants completed a series of questionnaires assessing their general life satisfaction, positive affect, anxiety and depression. They found that ââ¬Å"one of the well-being (psychological) dimension, life satisfaction, is quite strongly and negatively correlated with a distress (psychological) dimension, depression; life satisfaction and depression are near oppositesâ⬠(p. 63). This result was not only limited to one study. In the early studies, Frisch, Cornell, and Villanueva (1989) also obtained significant negative correlations between life satisfaction and depression. Furthermore, Frisch et al. explored the underlying process of the relationship between depression and life satisfaction. They suggested that depression was a combination of negative self-evaluation and hopelessness, which in turn were ââ¬Å"based on repeated failures to fulfill aspirations and meet personal standards in highly valued areas of life (life dissatisfaction)â⬠(p. 92). Recent research suggested that one of the most susceptible groups to depression was the elderly population. According to Socio-emotional Selective Theory (Carstensen, 1992), as individuals age, they desire less social stimulation and novelty, and tend to select close, reliable relationships to meet their emotional needs. However, since access to close relationships was not always readily available for elderly people, loneliness might be a result. Consequently, there was a potential risk of developing depression. Additional research supported this theory. In his study of elderly and depression, Alexopoulos (2005) argued ââ¬Å"psychosocial adversity, including economic impoverishment, isolation, caregiving, and relocation, tended to contribute in psychological changes, thereby further increasing susceptibility to depression or triggering depression in already vulnerable elderly individualsâ⬠(p. 1961). Both arguments were plausible in explaining the reason why older adults were the easy target of depression, and they also led us to a question ââ¬â was the correlation between depression and life satisfaction for elderly population just as strong and negative as the general population? We have to recognize that the elderly population is somewhat different from the general population. Most people who comprise this group have accomplished their careers and start enjoying the relaxing later years of their lives. After all, it is time to taste the fruit of their labor. Therefore overall, elderly individuals should have more sense of achievement and therefore a higher level of life satisfaction than general population. However, as discussed before, the elderly group is also more likely to be vulnerable to depression. The deterioration in health, loss of established interpersonal relationships, and a sense of weakened control over oneââ¬â¢s life, all could be the contributions to depression (Chao et al. , 2006). In addition, the decrease in energy and slow-paced life style may also make some elderly people feel hard to cope with. Under these unique circumstances, will depression still exert a strong influence on the perception of life satisfaction, or the feeling of achievement will override the feeling of loneliness? The current study explores possible relationship between depression and life satisfaction for older adults. Specifically, it is hypothesized that for older adults, higher level of depression is strongly associated with decreased life satisfaction. Method Participants Four hundred and one older adults (177 males, 224 females, Mage = 72. 98 years, age rage: 65. 23 ââ¬â 94. 24 years) were recruited from doctorââ¬â¢s offices during their routine physicals in Ontario, Canada. The participants were predominantly White (92. 3%), with some Black (7. 7%) patients as well. One percent of the participants were disabled either physically, visually or audibly. In this case, the surrogate of the disabled participant could assist him to complete the study. The rest of the participants were relatively healthy and no participant was having a major health concern. Almost all of the participants (99. 1%) lived either in a house or an apartment, with only 0. 9% lived in board and care home, or other arrangements. A majority of the participants (87. 1%) were retired or were homemakers. Nonetheless, there was still a considerable proportion of participants (12. 0%) working at either a full or part time job. The participants and their surrogates were both compensated with 10 dollars for their participation. Materials and Procedure Center of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) Short form developed by Andresen et al. , (1994) was used in assessing depression in this study. The original CES-D comprised 20 items measuring the current level of depressive symptomatology, with emphasis on the affective component, depressed mood. The scale demonstrated a very high internal consistency for general population (? = . 85) and psychiatric patient population (? = . 90), as well as adequate test-retest reliability (correlation range: . 45 . 70). CES-D Short form consisted 10 out of 20 items from the original scale that was aimed to test for reliability and validity among well older adults. Items without high correlation to the total score or items deemed redundant by high correlations to each other were eliminated to form the 10-item version. The response to the CES-D ranged from 1 (rarely or none of the time) to 4 (most or all of the time), and the total was calculated by summing across items and dividing by the total number of items (10). Patients who had a total of 10 or higher on the CES-D were classified as possessing a high number of depressive symptoms. Life Task Participation/Satisfaction Questionnaire developed by Harlow Cantor (1996) was used in assessing participantsââ¬â¢ level of life satisfaction. The first part of the questionnaire, Participation, comprised 33 activities that fit into 8 clusters: social activities (e. g. informal visiting with friends or neighbors); mass communication use (e. g. reading books); building knowledge (e. g. reading professional publications); home activities and hobbies (e. g. home repair or maintenance); artistic activities (e. g. playing or singing with musical group); activities outside home (e. g. ttending sporting events); service activities (e. g. community service); and games (e. g. board games with others). Participants indicated the extent to which the participated in these activities on a four point scale ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (frequently). In the second part of the questionnaire entitled Life Satisfaction. Participants indicated their level of satisfaction on a five point sca le in the following eight areas: paid work, hobbies and recreation, marriage, children, friendships, community service activities, participation in cultural activities and religion, where 1 = extremely satisfying and 5 = not at all satisfying. Finally, in the last part of the questionnaire, Prior Life Satisfaction, participants indicated how satisfied and important they felt with each of the following domains: occupational success, family life, friendships, richness of cultural life, and service to society. The response was recorded a five point scale, where 5 = Extremely satisfied / Extremely important and 1 = Not at all satisfied / Not at all important. Procedure CES-D and Life Task Participation/Satisfaction Questionnaire, along with two other irrelevant questionnaires were administered to the patient and his surrogate at the same time in the doctorââ¬â¢s office after the patient finished the physical examination. The purpose of the irrelevant questionnaires was to prevent the participants from guessing the real hypothesis. If the surrogate was absent, a copy of the questionnaires would be mailed to him with detailed instructions (e. g. how to fill out the questionnaire and how to mail it back). If the patient was unable to physically complete the questionnaires, his surrogate could record his response for him, but could not complete the questionnaire for the patient. There was no time limit on completing the questionnaires and the patient and his surrogate were not allowed to communicate. At the end of the study, both patient and his surrogate received a compensation of 10 dollars. Results Six participantsââ¬â¢ partial data were missing and therefore excluded from the analysis tests for those variables of CES-D. The dimensionality of the 10 items from the CES-D short form was analyzed using principal axis factoring analysis. The scree plot indicated that the CES-D short form was one-dimensional. This result was consisted with what CES-D designed to emphasis on ââ¬â depressed mood. All the correlations were greater than . 30 except for one item: ââ¬Å"sleep was restlessâ⬠(r = . 189). This item differed in content from the other nine items in that sleeplessness was not exactly a depressive mood, but more of an outcome of depressed mood. Based on the result, this one item assessing the outcome of depression was eliminated from the scale. All the item-total correlations for the revised nine-item scale were greater than . 0. The revised scale was retained the name ââ¬Å"Depressive Moodâ⬠to reflect the content of the items. The internal consistency estimates of reliability were computed for Depressive Mood scale using coefficient alpha. Value for coefficient alpha was . 78, indicating satisfactory reliability. Similarly, the dimensionality of the eight items from the Life Satisfaction part of Life Task Participation/Satisfaction Questionnaire was analyzed using principal axis factoring analysis. Based on the scree plot, two factors were rotated using Direct Oblimin rotation procedure. The rotated solution yielded two interpretable factors, satisfaction with personal life and satisfaction with interpersonal groups. No items loaded on both factors. The internal consistency estimates of reliability were computed for Life Satisfaction scale using split-half coefficient. For the split-half coefficient, the scale was split into two halves such that the two halves would be as equivalent as possible. In splitting the items, we took into account whether items assessing the satisfaction of personal life or the satisfaction of interpersonal groups. One of the halves included items ââ¬Å"how satisfying is paid work,â⬠ââ¬Å"how satisfying is community service, ââ¬Å"how satisfying is culture,â⬠and ââ¬Å"how satisfying is religion,â⬠while the other half included items ââ¬Å"how satisfying are hobbies,â⬠ââ¬Å"how satisfying is marriage,â⬠ââ¬Å"how satisfying are children,â⬠and ââ¬Å"how satisfying are friendships. â⬠Values for split-half coefficient was . 52, indicating a low internal consistency. Note that for Life Satisfaction scale, eight indicated ââ¬Å"not applicable. â⬠Therefore in factor analysis and reliability test for Life Satisfaction scale, the data of the participants who indicated ââ¬Å"not applicableâ⬠were excluded. The reason why they were excluded was because an indication of eight could be a large influence on the mean and therefore the results would be misleading. More than half (68. 1%) of the participantsââ¬â¢ data were excluded for this reason. The results shown above were based on 128 (31. 9%) valid cases. Pearson Correlation coefficients were computed between two items: CES-D total for patients and total life satisfaction for patients. The test was based on 393 participants, with eight participants excluded from the analysis due to their missing data. The result of the correlation analyses was significant, r(391) = -. 1, p = . 0125. This result suggests that there is a negative correlation between depression and life satisfaction. However, the relationship between these two variables is weak. Discussion The finding from the current study indicated that for older adults, there was a significant negative correlation between depression and life satisfaction, despite the relationship was weak. It supported the hypothesis of higher level of depression would be associated with decreased life satisfaction. However, the finding failed to support the hypothesized strength of the relationship. This result was consistent with the findings of Headey et al. (1991) in terms of direction, but not strength. This might indicate that the questionnaires used in this study were not fine enough to discover a high correlation between the two variables in reality. A replacement of one or both of the questionnaires could be taken into account in future studies exploring the relationship between depression and life satisfaction. The low correlation might also due to the characteristics of the participants. For example, the participants were predominantly (92. 3%) White and almost all of them were living independently. Consequently, a replication of the study to other ethic groups was necessary before generalizing the finding to other populations. Similarly, almost all the participants (99. 1%) lived independently in a house or an apartment. Therefore, a replication of different living arrangements could be conducted as well. The result of the current study supported that an increase in life satisfaction could result in a decrease in depression. This might gain some insight into the treatment for depression for older adults. That is, the treatment for depression could be directed towards increasing in life satisfaction. For example, engaging in extensive social interactions or employment could make one feel fulfilled and satisfied, and therefore decreased the likelihood of developing depression. Previous research supported this implication. A study conducted by Aquino, Cutrona, and Altmaier (1996) suggested that social support, as well as participation in paid and volunteer work, were significantly and positively related to life satisfaction within elderly populations, with volunteering activities ââ¬Å"significantly related to higher levels of social support. In summary, the current study yielded partially similar results to previous research. That is, there was a negative correlation between depression and life satisfaction for older adults, but the relationship was weak. Therefore in general, life satisfaction seemed to be a good indicator of signs of depression for both general population and elderly population. Furthermore, future research could explore whether gender difference will affect th e direction or strength of the relationship.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Organizational Behavior - Essay Example The Department of Justice of the United States of America clearly stipulates its mission statement, to wit: ââ¬Å"to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americansâ⬠(USDOJ:About DOJ, 2010, par. 1). To enable a prestigious organization like this to achieve its mission and goals, a clear hierarchy of organizational structure was designed to ensure that each and every personnel has specific duties and responsibilities that contribute towards its achievement. Accordingly the field of organizational behavior assists criminal justice agencies in the implementation of strategies to facilitate the accomplishment of organizational objectives. In this regard, the objective of the essay is to proffer an understanding of organizational behavior in a criminal justice agency. The important elements of organizational behavior would be described including how these can challenge the effectiveness of an agency. Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn (2008, 5) define organizational behavior (OB) as ââ¬Å"the study of human behavior in organizations. It is an academic discipline devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics with the goal of improving the performance of organizations and the people in themâ⬠. Thereby, the important elements to be considered in an organization, including that of a criminal justice agency, are the organizationââ¬â¢s purpose, mission, and strategy; organizational environment and stakeholders; organizational culture; workforce diversity; and leadership, among others. There were marked differences on the features and characteristics
Friday, November 1, 2019
Being human person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Being human person - Essay Example This actuality is in the place of physical beings. For Aristotle, the soul is not an object in material form, but it does somehow still exist within the body. Only the things which have life can have a soul. Without life, a soul cannot exist. The soul comes from life and life cohabitates with the soul. However, there are faculties of the soul and it is clear that the faculties state that the living things differ from the nonliving things. Those who are alive have certain characteristics. These characteristics are intellect, sensation, movement, or rest. The organisms which are living, have faculty and principle or reason. Because of this principle, life belongs to the living and this was inherited based on the principle. The question is: what constitutes the living? The ability of sensation, the touch and the ability to grow and to decay can be answer the question. The soul is a mix of several faculties and each part of the faculties make up a part or the whole soul itself. Each livi ng thing needs to have the ability to reproduce and possess the nutritive soul. Aristotle says that plants do not have this faculty, but they do absorb nutrients but lack sensation with which they do this. The other part of the soul is sensation, which is the ability to feel pain and pleasure. Some animals are capable of feeling all sensation, others can only feel some and even yet others, only one. This is what makes humans different from animals. The main aspect of sensation is touch. Some can have touch and taste. Touch can exist without taste but taste cannot exist without touch. Taste is extremely necessary for the distinction of foods. The Soul is divided into several principles and the first of these principles is in charge of the locomotives and different types of movements such as growth, alteration, decay, sensation of space. It is believed by Aristotle that the function of the soul is ââ¬Ëimaginationââ¬â¢ for fantasy. The imagination is greatly different from though t and sensation. The soul itself cannot be captured or let go. The soul cannot essentially be found or lost. Religious people believe that the soul is given from God. Organisms who can reason and know right from wrong are said to have a soul. Without the distinction, and the knowledge, a soul does not exist. The personââ¬â¢s ability to be an individual is determined by their free will. People are not just put on this planet to be ordered around like robots. However, with the apparent presence of the soul, we have a freedom that is different from animals who live their life based on instincts. The soul however, has nothing to do with a personââ¬â¢s identity or individuality. The soul is formed the same in every person. It is a capacity, not the thing that has the capacity. When we use imagination, which is one aspect and purpose of the soul, we are able to see something or feel something through the eyes of the soul which is in us, but not us. The soul therefore is a verb, is a n act and not a noun or thing. Aristotle uses the word fantasia or fantasy for visualization, or retention of past sensations, He says that fantasy occurs at two levels: the sensitive or the deliberative. We all know that nature is organized in a hierarchal way. It starts with the intimate object. Aristotle decided to develop a scale of living beings which predicted the scale of evolution. His erratic thoughts on the soul and it not being a material thing does not really encompass any other belief
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Opium War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Opium War - Essay Example The First Opium War was majorly caused by Chinas isolationist trade relations with the West particularly the British. Tension further arose between China and British because China would accept only silver from the British. Opium addiction was also the main and direct cause of the wars. During this time, opium addiction was an epidemic for the people of China. The British took this advantage of the high demand and began illegal exportation of opium which angered the Chinese. Furthermore, the trade was considered as disrespectful to the emperor and was in a violation of Chinese law. The tension then built more, and none of the countries were willing to compromise. All was as a result of China to spoil trade for British, and they engaged in the war to show their frustration. The consequences of the Treaty of Nanjing were more like the impact of the Opium War itself since the Treaty was as a result of the Opium War. In the treaty, the British as a country were given Hong Kong and free access to five ports. The ratification humiliated China, and their demand were never considered. According to the ratification ââ¬Å"â⬠¦. The Emperor of China agrees to abolish that practice in future at all Ports where British Merchantsââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Article V). This was more like a humiliation as apart from the port accusation China was compelled to pay a huge sum of fine. In these five ports, the British Nationals had the right of extraterritoriality. This is to say, they were not subject to laws of China. In immediate resolution, these were not all that significant. Moreover, they represented the start of a series of humiliating episodes in where the Chinese were forced to open up more to the West. The treaty, for instance, has been considered significant in mod ern day Sino-foreign relations (Wang, 2005). There are various historical lessons that one can learn from opium war. The war is important as it humiliated the Chinese. Chinese
Monday, October 28, 2019
Internet Personal Security Is Not Absolute Essay Example for Free
Internet Personal Security Is Not Absolute Essay Internet is the most trending and most widely used in todayââ¬â¢s generation, either it is used for communication, used for sharing files and documents, for making new acquaintances, or just for own enjoyment. People can also use the internet when they want to socialize with others, when they want to share whatââ¬â¢s on their mind and the on goings of their lives, when they want to know what the trending topics like news and scandals, or when they want to post some pranks or scum other people. Internet usability can either be a great help to everyone or it can impose a threat to someone or somebody. People think that when they post something online, whether it is good, bad, privately, or publicly, that information is safely sealed and secured. But the truth is, it can be freely access or easily steal from them. Hacking, viruses, trojans, and especially own self are some of the reasons that threaten internet security. Among all of these examples, hacking is on the top list. Even though there are some laws against hacking like the Republic Act No. 10175, also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, it is not enough assurance to protect the people against hackers and it doesnââ¬â¢t improve the internet security. Changes need to be made in the law to increase internet security, and find and punish cyber criminals. Additional laws to stop cybercriminals and necessary, unenforceable, and could infringe upon interest users rights to privacy and the growth of the internet. The issue here is that the internet security is not that secured for users or for people to rely upon. People can hide their files thoroughly or limit the number of people who can access his or her private account but sooner or later that information will be publish and revealed publicly with or without his or her approval. There are different explanations on why this information once hidden and now visible seen by many people, but the most common reason is that ââ¬Å"your file/ information is being hackedâ⬠, it can be an expert hacker or you have been chosen for someoneââ¬â¢s prank or hobby. In strict definition of ââ¬Å"hackerâ⬠, according to Rouse, M. (October, 2006): ââ¬Å"Hacker is a term for ââ¬Å"a clever programmerâ⬠who wanted to break into someoneââ¬â¢s computer systems. These are people who enjoy learning details of programming language or system. They want to further their knowledge and skills in a particular computer language. Typically, the hacker is either proficient programmer or engineer with technical knowledge on the weakness and vulnerability of the computer system. (Rouse, M. (October, 2006). Definition: hacker. Search Security. Retrieved on January 23, 2013 fromâ⬠Like the given definition, because of the hackerââ¬â¢s hobby of exploring and gaining more knowledge on his preferred programming language, he will not give a care on whose account he is butchering, as long as he increases his understanding and skills on his chosen subject. He will not consider if it is personally- owned or government-owned accounts, as long as it interests him, he will do anything on his power to hack that website. Like for example the issue of hacking some government and civil society websites in the Philippines. According to Kabiling, G. D. (October 2, 2012): ââ¬Å"The Anonymous Philippines (as what the hackers describe theirselves) hacked different government and civil society websites, namely: Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Maritime Industry Authority (Marina), Intellectual Property Office (IPO), and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). The reason for their attacked is to voice out their pr otest and opinions on implementing the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. (Kabiling, G. D. (October 2, 2012). More Govââ¬â¢t Websites Hacked: Cybercrime law in effect starting Wednesday. Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation. Retrieved on January 24, 2013 fromâ⬠There is also a hacking issue on American banks, which according to Staff, R. (September 20, 2012): ââ¬Å"The hacking of websites and corporate networks at Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase Co and Citigroup began in late 2011 and escalated this year. According to one of their sources, the attacks were in response to U.S. sanctions on Iranian banks.â⬠The two issues are both similar and different. It is similar because they reported about different hackerââ¬â¢s interfere someoneââ¬â¢s computer system. Different because on the first issue, hacking the government websites, the hackers introduced their group and post the reason why they block the websites and on the second issue, the hacker denied their involvement even though many evidences are pointing towards them. Hacking is the most dangerous hobby. Even though the Philippine government implemented the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, it cannot give assurance on protecting the people. The Philippine government must change this law and focus more on the most problematic cybercrime issues. Government must strengthen the internet security in order to lessen the attacks of the hackers to the innocent people who freely use the internet. And in order to accomplish the changes they must first know why the internet security is absolute? Who are the people affected and can use the internet security? How someone knows if the internet security they use can either be helpful or can trigger harm to them?
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